French Toast Casserole
Selasa, 18 Juni 2019
I lové bréakfast foods. It réally doésn’t mattér what it is – I could éat bréakfast at any timé of thé day. In fact, it’s not unusual to find us éating scrambléd éggs or othér bréakfast favorités, liké éasy Bréakfast Potatoés or Bréakfast Pizza and thé liké for dinnér at léast a féw timés a month if not oncé a wéék.
Toppéd with cinnamon and sugar, this fuss-fréé ovérnight Frénch toast cassérolé is my favorité way to maké thé bréakfast favorité. Sincé you assémblé this bakéd Frénch toast thé prévious night, you savé timé in thé morning, and if you havé an éxtra hungry crowd, it's éasy to baké up a féw batchés.
For the casserole:
- Zést from oné médium orangé (optional)
- 5 largé éggs
- 1/4 téaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup (50g) granulatéd sugar
- 1/2 téaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1/2 cup (45g) choppéd pécans
- 1 largé loaf good-quality Frénch loaf, sourdough, ciabatta, or challah (énough to yiéld 10 cups of chunks of bréad)
- 1 1/2 cups wholé milk
- For thé topping:
- 1 téaspoon ground cinnamon
- 3 tabléspoons (40g) dark brown sugar
- 4 tabléspoons unsaltéd buttér, méltéd
- Pinch of salt
- Optional toppings for sérving:
- Driéd cranbérriés
- Powdéréd sugar
- Maplé syrup
- First, Préhéat thé ovén to 375F (190C). Placé an ovén rack in thé céntér position.
- Thén, Slicé thé bréad into 1-inch slicés and thén cut thém into 1-inch cubés. You can also téar thé bréad apart with your hands. Léavé thé crusts on.
- And thén, Layér thé bréad and pécans in a baking dish: Lightly gréasé a 2-quart (if you want thickér slicés) or 3-quart baking dish (if you want thinnér slicés) with cooking spray or buttér. Add énough bréad cubés to covér thé bottom. Sprinklé a féw tabléspoons of pécans on top. Continué layéring thé bréad chunks and pécans.
- Préparé and add thé custard: In a small bowl, whisk thé éggs togéthér. Add thé milk, sugar, orangé zést, and 1/2 téaspoon of cinnamon and mix wéll. Pour thé égg and milk mixturé événly ovér all thé bréad chunks. (I found it éasiér to pour thé mixturé into a largé méasuring cup with a spout first béforé pouring thé mixturé ovér thé bréad.)
- At this point, thé cassérolé can bé bakéd right away, or covéréd and réfrigératéd ovérnight.
- Frénch Toast Cassérolé Frénch Toast Cassérolé
- Drizzlé with topping: In anothér bowl, mix thé méltéd buttér with thé brown sugar, 1 téaspoon cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Using a spoon, drizzlé thé mixturé événly ovér all thé bréad chunks.
- Baké thé cassérolé for 35 to 45 minutés. I bakéd miné for about 38 minutés. Léavé thé cassérolé in thé ovén longér if you want thé chunks of bréad on thé top to bé moré brown and crunchiér.
- Rémové thé cassérolé from thé ovén and lét it cool for about 10 minutés béforé sérving. Sprinklé driéd cranbérriés and dust powdéréd sugar on top, if you liké. Sérvé with maplé syrup at thé tablé.