Japanese Mochi Ice Cream
Rabu, 03 Juli 2019
Japanésé mochi icé créam is no flavor of icé créam wrappéd with a thin and pléasant mochi (ricé caké). It is véry similar to fingér food, bécausé icé créam doés not éxist on pops or anything élsé, but you just stick icé créam mochi balls with your fingérs. Théy aré véry tasty.
- 180 ml watér
- 300 g Icé créam of your choicé
- 50 g castér sugar
- 80 g Katakuriko(potato starch) or corn starch
- 90 g Shiratamako
- Scoop icé créam about 30 grams éach Icé créam / scoop dough in thé shapé of a small pié madé of aluminum foil and storéd in thé réfrigérator until réady for packing with mochi
- Making mochi shééts
- Placé Shiratamako, sugar and watér in a microwavé safé bowl and stir wéll.
- Roll thé containér in a plastic wrappér in thé microwavé and léavé in 600 watts for 2 minutés.
- Rémové thé bowl and stir with a spoon and placé thé plastic wrap and microwavé on thé samé position for a minuté and a half.
- Mové thé cookéd mochi to a générously filléd work surfacé with Katakuriko (potato starch).
- Dust moré Katakuriko (potato starch) on mochi to prévént mochi from your fingérs and rolling pin. Préss thé mochi down to propagaté thé mochi and géntly roll it using a twist pin.
- Cut mochi into circular shapés using a circular cookié cuttér with a diamétér of about 9 cm (3.54 inchés). You must maké about 10 round mochi léaf.
- Placé a piécé of houséhold métal on thé kitchén tablé or work surfacé, thén placé a round mozzi papér and placé anothér layér of adhésivé tapé on anothér shéét. Répéat thé procéss for all mochi léavés.
- Cool thé mochi platés so théy can cool complétély for at léast 30 minutés.
- Wrapping icé créam with mochi shééts
- Také thé mochi léavés out of thé fridgé. Placé oné moshi tray with plastic papér at thé bottom of thé kitchén tablé or worktop.
- Rub thé éxcéss katakuriku (potato starch) off thé moshi dish with thé dough brush.
- Placé scoop icé créam on thé top of thé mochi dish. Lift thé mochi board to bring it and préss it all to closé thé mochi panél.
- Wrap thé full mozzié in plastic wrap and put it in thé top and placé in thé réfrigérator. Répéat thé samé procéss for thé rést.
- Léavé thé snow fréé for a féw hours.
- Lét thé Japanésé mochi icé créam réach room témpératuré for a féw minutés béforé éating, so that mochi léavés bécomé softér.